So, you work in Sports Ministry. Have you ever wondered where your next step might be? Quite often, working at church can lead to burn out. I personally left sports ministry years ago when I least expected it . I started a new leadership role at the church in which I was serving. What about you? Have you thought about your next step?
I’ve seen many people in sports ministry who have worked their entire career in a specific area of ministry and been quite fulfilled. But most often there comes a time in which you will make a shift and go another direction. Have you given it much thought? I think those in sports ministry are a unique breed of individuals who are prepared to serve in their churches in a variety of ways. Sometimes they may think they are pigeonholed into one area because sports is so unique; however, I find it to be quite the opposite. Sports ministry is a great opportunity to sharpen your skills for all aspects of life.
For example, dealing with conflict occurs more in sports ministry than in most areas of the church. You see the good, the bad and the ugly side of people in many circumstances and sometimes on a daily basis. Tough and quick decisions have to be made all the while exemplifying pastoral qualities. All of this takes place due to the competitive nature that is instilled in us, especially while competing in sports.
Moreover, sports is a great connecting point at developing a relationship with someone. It can open the door to the pastoral side of things in a less defensive way. Through the variety of ministry duties in sports, it has or will surely equip and help you do many things in the church. Don’t let yourself be limited to thinking there’s nothing else you can do.
In the end, maybe you are in your sweet spot just where you are, and God is using you in a powerful way. However, one day God may lead you to a change and I have no doubt that any time served in sports ministry will have strengthened and prepared you for whatever is next.