Before this project, I honestly had not known about Matt Hemingway. Come to find out, he is a big deal both physically, standing 6’8” tall, and with what he has accomplished in the high jump. Although he’s past his competing days, watch Matt jump just once and you can see next-level ability. Matt’s Olympic Silver Medal and his 20-year record easily backs this up.
Anyone who has climbed to the top of the mountain in any sport has my utmost respect. Getting to Colorado was going to be tough, but once we found out more about Matt, we decided to hop on a plane to make sure we could share his story. After spending some time with Matt, hearing his story and his love for Jesus, and seeing how high he can jump, we believe the world needs to know more about this man.
Matt is a humble guy and many who know him probably have no idea the path he took to become one of the highest jumpers in US history. Not only does he have a Silver from the Athens Olympics, but he also holds the US indoor high-jump record to this day. He is a family man who now loves to hoop and dunk on people. It’s probably why he never tells anyone he’s an Olympic High Jumper.